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Affordable Care Act & Open Enrollment
President Barack Obama enacted The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014. Also called Obamacare, this allowed every American to buy health insurance for whatever reason. Furthermore, families with low income get special subsidies from the government so they have full coverage.
With Obamacare, all Americans can now buy health insurance through state-run insurance marketplaces. However, they can only buy during special times within the year. This period is called Open Enrollment. The Open Enrollment periods for health coverage is usually from November to the middle of December, with plans starting on January first of the following year. You will always be able to buy health insurance during Open Enrollment
Need Health Insurance?
During Open Enrollment, the ACA provides health insurance for everyone. Whether you've been denied from coverage, currently have no insurance, or what not - you can always buy health insurance during this period.
More than that, you may qualify discounts and subsidies from the government. This can be substantial for multi-member families with low yearly incomes. Check your state's health insurance marketplace for special pricing for your situation.
Qualifying Life Events & Health Insurance Outside Open Enrollment
To purchase health insurance after Open Enrollment, you have to have a qualifying life event. This usually means that you just lost health insurance as after leaving a job, you had changes in the household like getting married or having a child, changes in residence like moving to another state, etc. After a qualifying event, you have 60 days to acquire insurance. Remember, these plans last until the next Open Enrollment period, where you are free to renew, upgrade or change them for next year.
Outside of Open Enrollment and do not have a qualifying event? There are still options such as Medicaid (for low-income adults), CHIP (for low-income children) and short-term / temporary health plans. The last have some limitations, but they could be sufficient until the next Open Enrollment period.
Let Us Help You Get Health Insurance
Buying health insurance can be challenging. Do you know if you're qualified or not? Do you know what HMO, PPO or short-term plans are? Does your plan include prescriptions, vision and/or dental?
Let health insurance experts help! Complete a simple request, and we'll refer and connect you with licensed health insurance agents who can find the right plan for you and your family. Let them provide an easy way to get various plan options for your review.
Call us? Dial 1-877-517-3308 now!